Friday, March 12, 2010

What rock shoes should I use for climbing above water?

I like to climb and I like the lake so I thought I would mix them.... so last weekend I went rock jumping and the tought occured I should try to climb back up! Well the hand holds were good but no footholds for my water shoes were big enough. With my rock climbing shoes (evolvs) it would be easy! They are synthetic but I really don't wanna ruin them with out a backup pair! So maybe I should go get another pair or are my synthetic ones good enough?

Any help would be great!

What rock shoes should I use for climbing above water?
nope, yours shoes can shrink, but the stealth rubber on the bottom will not; therefore, if you want to save some bucks and get your climbing shoes resoled (when the wear out) you will not be able to. i would purchase another pair, or start carrying tevas, chacos or whatever with you.

check out for some good deals on shoes for your backup pair :)
Reply:climbing shoes do not work well when wet, that is why most people dont climb in the rain, do what we do and belay from a boat, any boat will do. But if you want to swim then climb, you might as well go bare foot.


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