Friday, March 12, 2010

If you are vegetarian or vegan do you still wear leather shoes or use any other leather products??

be honest

If you are vegetarian or vegan do you still wear leather shoes or use any other leather products??
I really try not to. I have seen vegan shoes before, but when I looked to see what they were made of, they were made of some pretty horrible chemicals, which if you think of the area around the factories, is probably polluting nearby ecosystems, so either way, I would end up doing some kind of damage to some animals.

I also try to buy my clothes/shoes second hand, that way I'm not contributing to the companies thinking there is a demand for leather shoes.

Rope sandals are great!
Reply:I am a vegetarian, and I don't wear any leather or silk. I check my shoe labels and belts to make sure they're manmade products. I just feel so weird otherwise, because I keep thinking "wow, I'm wearing something a cow used to wear"

I'm all up for cruelty-free leather, in which the cows were already dead from old age (you see this only in India really) and they use the skin for leather. Haven't used it yet, (still creeps me out), but I find that's a less gruesome way of seeing it.
Reply:Personally, I've always thought wearing dead animal skin is quite revolting. I've often been quite puzzled how people are not grossed out by the whole shoes made of leather thing. I've not worn leather ever since I was old enough to buy my own shoes and I never will.
Reply:When I went vegan I gave all my leather and wool stuff to Goodwill. Now my purses, shoes, belts, wallets and jackets are made of fabric, canvas or some other man-made material. I didn't own any real fur or silk back then and still don't.
Reply:No way! Like eww dead cow is not touching my body the poor thing im not digustelingo like some pepils!!!!!!
Reply:Yes I do because I live in a very cold climate and leather jackets, gloves and shoes offer me the best protection against the cold, especially when I ride my bike. Many pleather jackets aren't that windproof. Many veg*ns have to make some sacrifices to their beliefs if it's horribly inconvenient to follow them, such as a veg*n going camping and running out of food and the only thing to eat are animals. I have to wear leather because I need it to get to work, to my appointments and to my school.
Reply:The Vegans I know do not wear any animal products.
Reply:I don't use any animal products and don't know any vegans who do.

Occasionally on V%26amp;V there is a question like this from someone who's only just made that connection and thinks they can catch vegans out with it. We all thought of it when we became vegan. It's a bit like saying 'Vegans, be honest, do you still eat pork chops?'.
Reply:I am vegan and I do not wear/use leather, suede, wool, or fur.
Reply:I wouldn't be vegan if I wore leather.
Reply:i definatly try not to--HEMP!!!!!
Reply:Only if you want to be immoral.
Reply:I stopped buying leather and other skins when I went veg. My 1st intention was to keep wearing what I already had til it wore out, but I quickly decided to give everything away instead. I don't buy leather, feathers, fur etc. when shopping for gifts, either.

It's not that hard to find shoes, belts, bags, wallets etc. without leather %26amp; ppl are intrigued when I give them something made from hemp or something else that's more interesting than part of a carcass.
Reply:I am vegan and I do not wear leather, wool or any other animal products. I do not use anything which contains animal products.
Reply:A true vegan or vegetarian would never wear leather.

A true vegan does not use ANY animal by products for ANY reason, if they do, they are not really a vegan.

A vegetarian blurs the lines a little. A strict vegetarian will not use or eat anything that KILLS and animal (meat/leather), but can use or eat stuff from animals, as long as the animal does not die (milk, wool).

A semi-vegetarian may wear leather or eat fish and poultry, just no red meat.

It really depends on the person's reasoning. If its for animal rights, they will not eat or wear ANYTHING that hurts or kills an animal. If its for health, they don't care about the animal's well being, just their own and will still wear the poor critter.

For the record, I do not own any leather, feathers, etc. There are plenty of cloth shoes out there (Vans, chucks, etc). You can get non leather belts and wrist bands at Spencers, hot topic and pac sun. Its not as difficult as people make it out to be.
Reply:No I do not wear leather, suede, silk, wool or any other animal product or by-product of any kind nor do my children.
Reply:Not if you are vegan.
Reply:I am not a vegetarian nor a vegan but i have many friends who are but i have never thought about this. I believe many vegetarians / vegans do not think about this as well and continue using leather products. My personal opinion is that if one is a vegetarian / vegan for religious reasons he / she musn't use any leather products but for those are doing it for health reasons then of course using leather products would not concern them. Anyway an interesting question for us to think ?
Reply:There are different kinds of vegetarianism and they may be prompted by different reasons (religion, moral, ethics, health etc...).

I personally don't but I respect any other choiches.


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