Friday, March 12, 2010

What should I do with unwanted shoes?

My girlfriend wants to give to charity all of our shoes except those we wear to work, as they are taking up lots of room.

We usually go barefoot so have no use for our shoes most of the time, my girlfriend has several pairs of good quality high-heels and sneakers and I have sneakers and thongs.

I think as soon as we get rid of them we will probably need them, but my girlfriend doesn't think so as she is usually barefoot.

What should we do with our shoes?

What should I do with unwanted shoes?
I think it's a good thing to donate them to a charity store, I bring unwanted clothes and other items there sometimes.
Reply:You can always donate your unwanted shoes and clothes to Goodwill. They will be more than happy to accept them. Plus, you will be eligible for a tax refund as well :)
Reply:Give to the Charity. Good will or something . Give them shoes not to wear. Keep the shoes wear often or sometimes. =)


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