Friday, March 12, 2010

How do you remove the dust of your hiking shoes without making it into a muddy situation?

I know I cut use a vacumm but am looking for an alternative. And other than throwing the shoes into the washer, or using the worthless shoe cleaner that they sell at the store.

How do you remove the dust of your hiking shoes without making it into a muddy situation?
Use a brush to dust them off....:)
Reply:I'd suggest using an air compressor with a blower will remove all the dust.
Reply:if it is just dust you can use an old tooth brush to dust your shoes or you can get some compressed air and dust with that
Reply:If there's mud on the treads, I rinse it off carefully with the hose. If there's mud on the fabric, then they have to go in the wash (gentle cylce/cold water). If it's just dust, I whack the shoes together a few times (outside) and put 'em in the closet. It really doesn't have to be more complicated than that. :-)
Reply:I use a brush to remove caked or loose dirt. then I use baby wipes to clean the shoes. I do this to all my athletics and they all stay looking nice. Periodically, I run them through the washer with a white load just to renew them. Sun dry--never the drier, it nukes them.

develop skin cancer

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