Sunday, October 11, 2009

Running shoes foot odor?

Hi there, what is the best way to clean, wash, running shoes, i used to wash them in the washing mashine with hot water and clothes washing powder , that and hanging them on the clothes line used to clean and get reed of all smells (tinea athletes foot odor ) is there anything else i can use on them ? thank you.

Running shoes foot odor?
My kids suffer from really sweaty feet. Every night when the shoes are off for the day, I pour about 1/4 cup of baking soda into each shoe ( make sure it covers the whole inside) and leave it till morning. Dump out the excess and what's left in their should also help keep down the amout of sweat in your shoe. You can get a 5lb box of baking soda, at Wal-Mart in the laundry aisle, cheaper than buying a whole bunch of little ones.
Reply:Try baking soda over night or until you wear the shoes again.

I wrap some in a paper towel and put near the toes of the shoes.

The baking soda will absorb odors.
Reply:Be fat and let me know...
Reply:Washing them with a solution of bleach water, and detergent will help get the smell out. Spray them 2-3 times per week with Fabreze. But definitely, treat your feet for athletes fungus before sticking them into freshly cured shoes.
Reply:this really does work. my husband was in the lake(has lots of algae) with his tennis shoes, smelled horrible. put them in the freezer. This will actually kill the bacteria
Reply:I like baking soda. Fabreze is good in the short term.


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