Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Which do you use more? shoes, or flipflops/sandals?

when it cold shoes

when its hot flipflops/sandals

at home barefoot


Which do you use more? shoes, or flipflops/sandals?
I agree with the first answer.
Reply:Adidas track/sprint shoes. I have 3 pairs and alternate between them weekly and wear them daily as sneakers. Flexible sole, breathable, and just enough arch support so I can run around the office as much as necessary without foot pain. Luckily I have a boss understanding enough to allow me to wear them. (I can't wear heels, even low heels, because of hip/knee/heel pain, regardless of brand or cushioning)
Reply:Flip Flops and sandals, its like a thousand degrees in Jacksonville, sometimes we are still wearing shorts on Christmas Day. I only wear closed in shoes to job interviews or anywhere else that I feel flipflops would be inappropriate but my sandals are all highheeled so they're pretty appropriate to wear all over. And as long as Old Navy keeps selling flipflops 2 for $5 or $3.50 per pair in all those different colors, I'll always wear them.
Reply:flip flops any time i can
Reply:shoes or boots
Reply:flip flops...but im mostly bare foot. i hate shoes.
Reply:Shoes in the cooler months, flip flops when its warm
Reply:Shoes in the winter.

Flip-flops/sandals in the warmer months.

Barefoot as often as I can!☺
Reply:Lately, as I'm working at home, flip flops.:)
Reply:both ( shoes for going out side and flip flops inside and to school
Reply:Flip-flops, for the most part that is all I wear in the summer.
Reply:I would rather be barefoot but if I go somewhere I have to wear shoe's then flipflops are my shoe of choice.
Reply:In this heat, FLIP FLOPS :-)

Usually, when it's not so hot, I wear my Skechers.
Reply:flipflops and sandals in summer....
Reply:Tennis Shoes :)

Cause mines are pretty.

They have studs on the sides :)
Reply:Shoes in the winter, flipflops in the summer
Reply:sandals, flip flops and barefooting,,,,,,
Reply:FLIP-FLOPS ROCK...............ALL THE WAY MAN. For the few short months I get to wear them...
Reply:flipflops!! i have about 20 pairs!!
Reply:in the summer, the winter, the house,slippers or barefoot.
Reply:flipflops and sandals
Reply:i use shoes have to wear regularly due to my flat feet problem.

if i do not wear have back pain.

Reply:Sandals in summer, except when hiking.
Reply:shoes...because autumn/winter%26amp;spring last longer than summer (that's when i wear flip flops)
Reply:my dark blue vans ^.^
Reply:Sandals when not bare-foot. Socks are evil!
Reply:Flip flops

They are so quick and convenient

leather handbag

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