Sunday, October 11, 2009

College Shoes....... LOL?

hey guys, I wanna know what kinda shoes americans use to go to college. kinda dumb i know, but im from Belize and at the university of Belize where i used to go, we wore flip flops/slippers everyday. lol. Now that im going to the University of West Florida this coming fall sememster i kinda wanna blend in lol. So tell me, what are .. ' college shoes'?? LOL

College Shoes....... LOL?
Pretty much, any shoes you want. I've seen people walk around with no shoes at all. Once you're in college people pretty much do their own thing and don't really worry about what someone else thinks....

But there are also some standard college shoes since you walk EVERYWHERE:

Tennis shoes... usually new balance or nike


flip flops
Reply:Anything as long as they are not heels.

::.Vivian-Rosa Vanderson.::
Reply:Just regular shoes. ANY shoes you want.

Not like platforms or shoes from like the 1800's.. But, just normal shoes. Like you said! Flip flops.. stuff like that...
Reply:Just about any shoes that aren't "dressy. Crocs are pretty popular right now, at least here in Texas.
Reply:flip flops, crocs, tennis shoes, NOT HEELS

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