Sunday, October 11, 2009

Will turpentine remove spray paint enamel from my shoes?

I was spray painting this ladder black and didnt realize how much the wind was blowing. It got all over my shoes. I used nail polish remover, and it faded it some. And it wiped most of it off the leather. But some is still stuck around the toungue and sides, they are nike air force 1 shoes. I dont want them to be ruined because I paid 100 bucks.

All I need to do it get the paint off somehow. I bleached them, scrubbed the hell out of them with nail polish remover and it works on the leather and faded the cotton/polyester part some. Will turpentine remove this paint enamel? Im thinking about buying some turpentine tommorow and trying it out.

Is it expensive?

Will turpentine remove spray paint enamel from my shoes?
Turpentine does remove spray paint. I am unaware how it will affect the leather on your shoes though.

I know that it can damage vinyl from experience.

Just to be safe, I would suggest that you use the turpentine in small amounts on your shoes.
Reply:laquer thinner.

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