I got a great deal on some Asics Gelmax shoes, and bought 4 pairs. Would it be better to rotate them, and wear each pair one day a week when I train? Or should I just use one pair at a time until it wears out and move on to the next one?
I'm currently training for the Chicago Marathon in October. I've done 3 marathons before, but I've never had the chance to buy this many pairs of shoes at one time. I usually just run on a pair for about 6 months until it wears out.
RUNNING: should I rotate shoes or just use one pair until it wears out?
Well, you should only use sneakers for 300-500 miles and then toss them even if you don't see any wear n' tear. It might be easier to keep track of how long your been using a certain shoe if you only use one at a time. Just my opinion though.....
Reply:It might be advisable to 'break-in' the next pair with some light runs whilst still using the previous pair. Report It
Reply:All REAL good advice! I just used to buy the highest dollar pair, for the best protection of my heels, and run 'em to their DEATH!! Report It
Reply:My dad always told me that the military would have their soldiers change -rotate their shoes or boots so that the soldiers had less of a chance of picking up athlete's foot and other such nuisances. By rotating shoes, you give one pair a chance to air out fully while you're using the other pair.
Reply:Have you heard about the big bare-footing rage? I don't think I could do it, but there have been studies done showing shoes are creating injuries. Maybe you should find shoes that dont provide support. I know Nike just came out with some like that. Check it out at www.barefooters.org. I also found the study on injuries...
Reply:Rotate the tires on your car, but don't rotate your shoes!
In each shoe-pair, one shoe is for the "Right Foot" (which is the foot on the same side as your "Right Hand"); the other shoe is exclusively for the "Left Foot."
Although there is little data on the subject, most authorities caution that accidentally switching your right and left shoes can result in a major running injury. I'd therefore seriously suggest you do the following: Take an indelible marker and label your shoes with a big "R" and "L." That safety tip will ensure you get your shoes on the correct feet each time.
P.S. Let me know if you need help tying your laces...
Reply:Just run on the same pair for about 4-5 months then get new ones.
Reply:Running shoes/sneakers are like care tires, the more mileage you put on them the faster they were out. Now with car tires, it's recommended to rotate them so that they wear out evenly, but since you don't have 4 feet I wouldn't be to concerned. Also rotating through several pairs will cause you to have 2 to 3 times the break in period for the shoes and you could harm your feet if you are constantly breaking in shoes. I would keep an eye on your padding and tread wear and if the shoes are getting lose or the bottoms getting to smooth then I would get a new pair.
Reply:Is advicable to rotate
Reply:Probably the best idea would be to rotate shoes which should make them last somewhat longer than six months apiece.
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